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Implement a Fulfilling Future with Bernie Ginnane, Heart-led Qualified Counsellor and Life Coach

Writer's picture: Ben Tirebuck, EditorBen Tirebuck, Editor

✦ Successful, professional working men and women have seen positive long-lasting change within themselves living lives with more passion, purpose and peace after spending invaluable time with Bernie Ginnane.

As a heart-led Qualified Counsellor and Spiritual Life Coach, Bernie often sees many people who feel they are somewhat stuck in life, in turn impacting all areas of their lives, including their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. These affect their careers, kinship and friendships.

Bernie guides them to clear their past and implement a more fulfilling and authentic future.

“My business definitely helps my clients to implement new life goals and make resounding changes that last. I promote self-confidence and self-actualization for my clients which help them to create long-term transformation,” Bernie told us.
Helping clients to initiate positive long-lasting change within themselves is what Bernie Ginnane do
Helping clients to initiate positive long-lasting change within themselves is what Bernie Ginnane does

Safe Spaces

There are two safe spaces clients, whether individuals, couples or groups, can feel safe, be seen and heard fully during their counselling, coaching and healing sessions with Bernie.

  1. For local clients, it is the Willow Room at 243 High Street, Wauchope NSW. It is the same space where Bernie offers regular group workshops and a Weekend Women’s Retreat in a beautiful bushland setting which is happening over the weekend of 17/18/19 March. Another is being planned for October 2023.

  2. For international clients, the same attention can be given and received over Zoom.

Online Courses being launched

Over the coming weeks, her business is changing to align more with the increased demand for her services; she is increasing her online presence, expanding her services and her online availability.

“From mid 2023, I will be offering Online Courses via my website. These Online Courses will be self-paced, available 24/7 in the comfort and convenience of the client’s home or office,” she told us. “I am also working on putting together a Masterclass via Zoom for July 2023, and plan to offer a Masterclass every 3 months, with different themes.”

In line with these initiatives, a new website will be launched in early April which Bernie is excited about. As well as options for Counselling and Spiritual Life Coaching Programs, there will be some Free Content available, including Recorded Meditations focusing on a variety of topics.

Yes, it is so important to relax the body, calm the mind, soothe the heart to help us make the right decisions for our lives.

Gentle yet Powerful Transformations

Bernie works in collaboration with her clients to help initiate a gentle but often powerful change in their mindset. Together they work on shifting perspectives, from feeling stuck to feeling more empowered, so the clients are enabled to move forward with more confidence on the path that is authentic for them.

Her attitude is, “there’s always a way” and she uses this to help her clients feel capable of achieving their dreams.

Using both her analytical skills and her heightened intuitive ability, Bernie helps clients to adjust their understanding of themselves and to encourage them to view their past, their pain, their challenges and their obstacles, from a higher perspective.

Bernie works in collaboration with her clients to help initiate a gentle but often powerful change in their mindset.
Bernie works in collaboration with her clients to help initiate a gentle but often powerful change in their mindset.

Working collaboratively, the client is assisted to focus on the lesson within their experience rather than on the pain or blockage - and to use the lesson to springboard them forward.

Clients experience clearance when they have counselling and spiritual life coaching with Bernie; the clearance of blocks, outdated self-beliefs and insecurities, past hurt and pain.

“I offer both a one-off session or a 6 Week Program, in which I access both my qualified knowledge and analytical ability, as well as my very experienced creative and intuitive ability,” she explained. “Working with me, clients have the opportunity to experience a range of services that best suit them, including my proven experience as a Counsellor, Spiritual Life Coach, an Intuitive Guide, Certified Sound Energy Healer, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Numerologist, Reiki Master and Shamanic Practitioner.”

Yes, Bernie walks comfortably between two worlds

The practical business world, and everyday life and family issues; and the incredibly vast energetic and spiritual world.

She said she is like a bridge between the two.

“Together we can break through obstacles so that clients can live their life with more passion, purpose and peace, and a commitment to be their own leader and embody a more empowered version of themselves.”

Clients will feel safe to clear their past with Bernie to create a better future for themselves and their general wellbeing, and also ripples outwards into their families, their careers, their community. Safe to step truly into their flow.

Challenges as a Woman Business Owner

She recalls being told a few years ago to get a more mainstream job with security, ‘You’ll find it hard to make a go of it on your own, in this man’s world’. And, ‘Do you really think you will make enough money being a woman in business?’

Rather than those words knocking her down, deflating her, or making her second guess herself, those words fired her up to chase her dreams, to believe in herself, and follow her intuition and as a woman, to go after her dreams anyway!

Being a woman and being a leader is a new challenge for Bernie
Being a woman and being a leader is a new challenge for Bernie

Years ago she did work in the corporate world and often found it challenging as the industry was male driven and women were often seen as more of a way of attracting clients, but not having the same opportunities or equality as the men in the office.

But in her world, she has changed that!

A Leader in her chosen field

Bernie has faced and overcome great challenges and obstacles in her own life.

“Some of these challenges definitely brought me to my knees, such as going through breast cancer, experiencing divorce, the death of loved ones, and the knowing that I was not on my right path but not knowing how to get there. But I have risen to the challenges, shifted out-dated self-beliefs, and found a way to push through obstacles to springboard myself forward,” she told us.

Her point of difference is that she speaks from experience, and has the innate ability to put others at ease and for them to feel safe in her presence to share their stories. She utilises her professional experience and knowledge as well as her heightened intuitive ability.

Protecting Earth, Sustainability and change

Bernie believes businesses can help make Earth a better place by recycling more, and by using online communication and online service delivery as much as possible.

“Then increase that availability even more and make it an easy process for the customer to access services online,” she explained.

Bernie believes businesses can help make Earth a better place
Bernie believes businesses can help make Earth a better place

Things she believes that businesses can do to help their business be sustainable are to be disciplined, productive and practice focused time management.

Over the past 12 months Bernie has seen an increase in demand for online services, so she upskilled in IT fields and online marketing to meet these demands.

Bernie’s One wish for 2023… More Peace on Earth.


Bernie Ginnane

The Willow Room at 243 High Street, Wauchope NSW


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