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What's On in April 2023

Writer's picture: Veronica LindVeronica Lind

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

✦ Brilliant April Themes and Events

Brilliant April Advertising Themes will focus on these April celebrations

Interactive Omnichannel Advertising package Brilliant-Online
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Easter is a time of hope and new life. If you are a counsellor or business coach that provide pathways to motivate people to build new futures, we want to feature your services.

Because of the long weekend, some of you will be planning for travels for the year. we hope to feature great travel stories and tours.

Advertise Brilliantly here.

Safety & Health at Work

The purpose is to build a positive safety and health culture in the workplace to prevent occupational accidents and diseases.

We have to recognise that there will be new and emerging occupational risks caused by technical innovation or by social or organizational change, such as:

  • New technologies and production processes, e.g. nanotechnology, biotechnology

  • New working conditions, e.g. higher workloads, work intensification from downsizing, poor conditions associated with migration for work, jobs in the informal economy

  • Emerging forms of employment, e.g. self-employment, outsourcing, temporary contracts

Our client, PM Link talks about Hybrid Workplace as featured in Brilliant-Online
Our client, PM Link talks about Hybrid Workplace

So we're inviting businesses, legal entities, governments, healthcare organisations to talk about hybrid workplaces, mental health needs, laws and governance and how they make work life a better place.

Contact Chrissy Jones on +61 412 137 621

Australian Heritage Festival

Do you know that the zipper was patented on 29 April 1913?

Looking for businesses who have been established for more than 10 years. Celebrate your milestones by contact us here.

Community Shared Stories are most welcome.

Harold Vickery & Son was established in 1862 as featured in Brilliant-Online
Harold Vickery & Son in Wauchope was established in 1862

International Guitar Month to promote guitar sales around the world

We invite pubs, clubs, music shops to showcase their business and music scene.

History of the Guitar

A plucked four-string instrument was named a guitar in the 14th century in Spain. It resembled a vihuela, a guitar-shaped instrument played in Spain. As far as the name is concerned, ‘guitar’ comes from ‘guitarra,’ a Spanish word. It is also assumed that ‘guitar’ is associated with the Latin word ‘cithara’ and the ancient Sanskrit word ‘tar,’ which means ‘string.’ Also, ‘guitarra latina’ was a curved-body instrument that comprised four strings and was used as a musical instrument in the medieval period in Europe. The contemporary guitar originated in Spain, however, the oldest surviving guitar-like instrument is from ancient Egypt.

History of the Guitar as featured in Brilliant-Online

As centuries passed, the guitar went through many changes and transformed into something similar to the modern guitar. Yes, the first guitar was a lot different from what it looks like today. Guitars in the 16th century consisted of C-F-A-D tuning and were called baroque guitars. Later, a lower string E was added to it.

In the 19th century, Antonio de Torres Jurado started building guitars that were similar to new acoustic guitars. It is assumed that most of the modern-day guitars are derivatives of Antonio’s designs. Thus, he was called the Stradivari of guitars (because another Antonio — Antonio Stradivari — was a world-famous violin maker.)

George Beauchamp along with Adolph Rickenbacker made the first-ever electric guitar in the United States in the 20th century. Following this invention, a lot of other types of guitars are made in many variations.

Garden Month

We invite florists, gardens of interest, farmers, gardening shops and nurseries to participate.

Math and Statistics Awareness Month

We invite early learning centres, schools, tutors, toy shops to tell their stories.

Children at TG's Child Care learn about the concepts of money while "shopping"
Children at TG's Child Care learn about the concepts of money while "shopping"

Other April themes and events

1st April – April Fool’s Day

2nd April – Go Blue for Autism - World Autism Awareness Day

2nd April – International Children's Book Day

3rd April – Be Alarmed! Change your smoke alarm battery!

4th April - World Stray Animal Day

6th – 16th April - Nature Play Week

7th April – World Health Day

12th April – International Day of Human Space Flight

13th April - Micro Business Forum Coffee Connect for Small Businesses

15th – 21st April – World Creativity & Innovation Week

15th April - Creative Wauchope invites you to the Rocks Ferry Reserve, Wauchope for a fabulous day immersing yourself in creative activities, stalls and demonstrations. Artists are invite to book a free stall.

17th - 25th April - National Parks Week

18th April – World Heritage Day

18th April – 19th May – The National Trust Heritage Festival

20th – 25th – World Allergy Week


22nd April – International Mother Earth Day

20th - 22nd April – Earth Day

21st April - World Creativity and Innovation Day

22nd April – Jelly Bean Day

23rd April – World Book and Copyright Day

25th April – World Penguin Day

25th April – Anzac Day

25th April - World Malaria Day

27th April – International Guide Dog Day

28th April – Pay it Forward Day

28th April – World Day for Safety and Health at Work

30th April – International Jazz Day

30th April – World Veterinary Day

Advertise Brilliant here.



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✦ Brilliant-Online is the only publication that offers a single interactive multichannel advertising package.

✦ The purpose of Brilliant-Online is to push for a better world in the digital era.

✦ Brilliant-Online is an empowering read for progressive individuals and dynamic businesses.

✦ For all enquiries about advertising with Brilliant-Online, please contact us here.

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