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Tips To Stop Those Extra Kilos During The Winter Months

Updated: Jun 30

✦ As we add the layers of warm clothing to beat the cold we also disguise our growing waistlines. With some simple changes, we can help prevent the extra weight that the average Australian gains over winter.

Walking the dog is a great way to keep active and get outdoors

Keep active and get outdoors!

Warm up on those chilly mornings with a brisk walk. Not only will the sun warm you up and make you feel great, staying active in winter is one of the best ways to prevent the extra kilos creeping up on you.

Try something different like gyms, indoor sports, aqua aerobics in a heated pool, pilates, yoga, fitness DVDs, jump rope and resistance bands… the options are endless so there's no excuse not to get moving!

Stop the Winter blues - some easy steps to follow

• Watching portion sizes and avoid comfort eating

• Choose tomato based sauces rather than cream ones

• Enjoy hot skim milk drinks

• Fill up on salad and cooked vegetables

• Read food labels carefully rather than falling in the trap of comfort eating

• Allow yourself one treat day per week

• Add legumes to soups and casseroles

Avoid those nasty winter bugs and boost your immune system

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Citrus fruits boost intakes of Vitamin C and can help reduce the duration and severity of a cold. Citrus fruits are in season over winter, so make the most of this!

Add garlic to soups, stews and casseroles (or take a garlic supplement). This can act to reduce cold symptoms. And don’t forget to keep up the fluids… try herbal and green teas.

These are just a few things of the things we can do throughout winter to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy mind so what are you waiting for?!

Call JK Healthcare to make an appointment with Jodie Kennett (Accredited Practising Dietitian and Credentialed Diabetes Educator.)


Ph. 02 6583 7717


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