Purple Rain Prize Ceremony and Brilliant 1st Birthday Party | Lasiandra Festival | Brilliant-Online Magazine Wauchope
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Purple Rain Prize Ceremony and Brilliant 1st Birthday Party

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

✦ Join the celebrations during the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival

In a combined effort showcasing community spirit at its best, our sponsors:

will host the Purple Rain Prize Ceremony and Brilliant-Online 1st Birthday Party on Saturday, 12th March from 2pm to 5pm at 87 Cameron St, Wauchope.

All are invited to come along, enjoy a sausage sizzle from Wauchope Apex Club, sample a purple rain drink from My Blue Tea, enter the lucky draw for prizes donated by Hastings Co-operative, Wauchope Creative Hub, Utopian Living, My Blue Tea, Moodee & Sass and have a slice of Brilliant-Online’s birthday cake.

Entry is free and there is so much to see! 

The Wauchope Creative Hub gallery will be open to view all the entrants in the Purple Rain exhibition and the winner will be announced and prize awarded by Hastings Cop-operative. You can stroll through the Creative Hub to see a fabulous collection of local creatives displaying their wares and art works.


Taking place on Thursday March 10, during Purple People Shopping & Market Day across the Wauchope CBD, there will be a treasure hunt! That’s right, a treasure hunt.

It’s easy to join in. Find a Brilliant-Online poster (displayed in various spots around the CBD ), scan the QR code and fill in the form (there are a few easy questions). Paper copies of the form will be available on the day at the Lasiandra stand for those without a QR scanner. The winner will be drawn at the Purple Rain Ceremony the following Saturday at Wauchope Creative Hub. It is definitely worth joining in with prizes kindly donated by Wauchope Creative Hub, Utopian Living, My Blue Tea, Moodee & Sass, Hastings Co-operative and the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival Committee.


Chrissy Jones

p/ +61 412 137 621



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