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Investing in a Brilliant Future

Writer's picture: Veronica LindVeronica Lind

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Veronica Lind, CEO

Our on-going liaison with various business communities means that every day we speak with business leaders and entrepreneurs about their business ideas, their motivations and – crucially - what makes those business ideas succeed or fail.

What I’ve learned from all this is that these brilliant businesses have a bigger purpose apart from achieving success in terms of profit on their bottom lines.

They’re all investing in something much more fulfilling than money in the bank – a better and meaningful future.

To take just one example, TG’s Child Care actively personifies its mission statement of Playing It Forward.

Throughout their activities they care for and educate future generations, helping them develop responsibilities and form meaningful connections within their community and with the world beyond.

Another example is The Hastings District Flying Club, where aspiring high-flyers reach for the sky to fulfil their dreams. In turning these dreams of the future into reality, this renowned flying school produces great and respected pilots.

And for those interested in a future enhanced by returns on investment, we’ve introduced a new Investment column, where industry guru Noel Ong, CEO of Samso, interviews business executives of ASX companies and private businesses, to uncover their views on market trends and developments.

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At Brilliant, we’re dedicated to playing our own part in creating a better world - leveraging technology that will empower progressive readers to push for an improved future in the digital era.

Over time, our interactive magazine will improve further with more embedded videos, interactive call to actions, and built-in forms.

Brilliant-Online Magazine, April 2021 Issue, Investing in a Brilliant Future

Helping Hands

In the meantime, the reality of our present world became up-close and personal recently when Port Macquarie-Hastings, New South Wales, Australia was hit by severe floods that destroyed many homes and businesses.

The upside of all this was the resilience and generosity shown by local communities, who stepped up to help each other in their hours of need – a truly heartwarming display of care, generosity and support in the community.

To play our part in this community effort, Brilliant donated A$7,000 of free advertorials to local businesses, enabling them to tell their stories and promote their business during this stressful time.

Let us know if you have a story to tell - send your story to

Veronica Lind



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The purpose of Brilliant is to push for a better world in the digital era. We specialise in interactive advertorials that let your brand sparkle and help you sell without selling.

Brilliant-Online is an empowering read for progressive individuals and dynamic businesses.

For all enquiries about advertising with Brilliant-Online, please contact us here.

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